Return of the Teabagger!!!

I was informed tonight during my lesson that Luis, my former fab teacher, is returning to the studio!!! Because I’d worked with him for quite a while and did my prior showcase with him, we decided that I should try to do my Sinatra routine with him. So work with him on that will begin next week!! Hehehe, Luis got a bit freaked when I posted previously about our joke appellation for the problematic snake that continuously occurred during our Mambo, but EVERYONE thought it was hilarious, so the name of this post is in honor of his return 🙂 It’s my fault because of my long legs, ha ha ha! Anyway, Yay Luis!

In other ecstatic news,

Delirium pointed out to me ABT’s announcement that Marcelo, along with Veronika Part, will lead the cast in the world premiere of Kevin McKenzie’s Sleeping Beauty, on June 1st!!! Unfortunately, I’m going to be in Blackpool that evening watching the World Standard Ballroom competition, but will be back by Monday, the 4th, when those two dance again. So excited!!!

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