The Bad and the Good

So, I was at ABT tonight (or, seeing as how it’s now 1:00 in the morning, last night) watching David Hallberg and Michele Wiles perform Swan Lake, and was told, as some seem to have heard already (like Susan), the bad news: that Veronika Part is unfortunately injured and will be unable to perform tomorrow’s matinee. So, she and Marcelo have been replaced.

The good news is that Max Beloserkovsky and Irina Dvorovenko will now be dancing. At first I was upset because I had so wanted to see Veronika, whose Swan Lake I’ve heard so much about (and whose Bayadere I was simply blown away by) and of course I’m always upset when my favorite man is suddenly replaced! But on re-thinking it, I’m actually really excited about seeing Irina and Max. I’ve never seen them perform this ballet before and Irina is so gorgeous, I’m sure it’s going to be really stunning. So, I will be there and will be blogging about it afterward! And will also blog about my thoughts on David and Michele then as well. In general, I liked but didn’t love D & M. LOVED David, but think all the women I’ve seen so far need seriously to work on their Odettes (ie: the beautiful, pure White Swans). The Odiles (ie: the cunningly, naughtily seductive Black Swans) are all magnetically beguiling, blow me away with those 10,000 fouettes, totally fantabulous. But the Odettes need MAJOR work. Odettes live on passion and romance and love and heart. Odile without Odette = one-sided, sexed-up but passionless, overall non-compelling Swan Lake. My friend, who’s never been to a ballet before thought exactly the same. But more later after I see Max and Irinia tomorrow… Also, I hope Veronika’s okay and this is only a temporary problem…

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