Ailey Ascending


Am getting very excited about Alvin Ailey’s upcoming season at City Center (which is good because I’ve been a bit depressed lately about ABT‘s departure…)

As part of Ailey’s 50th Anniversary celebration, there’s a new book out of photos of the dancers by one of my favorite dance photographers, Andrew Eccles. Eccles just seems to capture the body, both at rest and in motion, like no one else. His images are so glorifying, somehow simultaneously heroizing and humanizing.

A selection of those photos will be shown at the June Kelly Gallery beginning this Friday, November 14th, through December 9th.


I just happened to be at the Ailey studios tonight for a performance by SenseDance (which was very good — will review shortly) in the basement theater, and saw this sweet photo upstairs in the lobby of artistic director Judith Jamison with Michelle Obama and the two first daughters. My friend, Dea, who accompanied me and who takes lessons at the studio, said the day after the election the place was loaded with festive flowers and balloons and posters congratulating America.


Next to it was the updated poster of Ailey dancer headshots. Several new faces, including Yannick LeBrun (making the move from the studio company to “Ailey proper” — yes!) third row from bottom, all the way to the left.


  1. Is Alicia Graf really not there anymore??

  2. No! I looked for her picture and she wasn’t there. Sadly…

  3. oh no! where did she go?

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