Bolshoi’s SWAN LAKE Upcoming in Cinemas Nationwide

The Bolshoi’s version of Swan Lake is about to hit movie houses nationwide as part of Emerging Pictures’ Ballet in Cinema series. This broadcast stars Mariya Aleksandrova and Ruslan Skvortsov. Haven’t ever seen either dancer so I’m excited. Plus, the versions all have their subtle differences, particularly in the various endings, so I find them all interesting to watch. This is a high definition broadcast but it’s recorded (performance was September 2010), not live. So the showtimes and dates vary. In Manhattan, the showing is taking place this Sunday, the 19th, at the Manhattan Big Cinemas. Visit the Emerging Pictures website to find a location near you.

One Comment

  1. An electrifying and affecting performance by Miss Aleksandrova and the others. There were deficiencies in the photography though, that is to say, a few times inappropriately exchanging long views for closeups and vice versa.

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